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  • (623)282-2266

  • 2854 N Santiago Blvd Suite 200 Orange, CA 92867

Community involvement is a great way to realize your fullest potential


We would like to applaud your decision to join AAMO membership and ask Allah (swt) to grant you the success of this life and the hereafter and count this move in your hasanat (good deeds). Insha Allah with your addition, we are hopeful to fulfill our mission and vision to better serve the community.


Residing in a non-Muslim country where there are limited Islamic resources, our responsibilities become obligations towards our communities. Our duties as Muslims do not end by serving our own needs. We must vigilantly and actively serve our fellow Muslims, regardless of their origin by providing and facilitating an environment where together, we can improve ourselves educationally and spiritually on a regular basis.  As an active member, we hope you find the time to visit AAMO website regularly and read the bylaws, announcements, and see how you can actively participate in the affairs of the organization. Please don’t hesitate to contact any AAMO board members for any information or suggestion you may have.


Benefit of AAMO Membership: 

  • Networking opportunity among your peers
  • 10% discount rate for all AAMO conferences and events
  • Participating in AAMO family picnics/events that are exclusively for AAMO members
  • Receiving AAMO newsletter and other correspondences
  • Chance to win special prizes in semi-annually drawings of active members
  • Earn the blessing of Allah SWT for actively serving others through AAMO


Please register and select one of the following membership options:

Member Register

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Strength: Very Weak
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Select Your Payment Gateway
Payment Summary

Your currently selected plan : Annual Membership, Plan Amount : $120.00
, Final Payable Amount: $120.00

I hereby apply for AAMO membership and pledge to agree and abide by the Organization’s by-laws and understand that submitting this application does not imply automatic acceptance. I also agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this membership shall be settled through arbitration that is based on the Qura’n and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), as explained and interpreted by the recognized schools of Fiqh. The decision of the Arbitrator(s) is final and binding and cannot be appealed in court.

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